Today, we’re talking with re:power alum Cassy Jones-McBryde who is the Black Organizing Program Manager with Planned Parenthood of Michigan. In her role, she’s responsible for making sure Black people are centered in reproductive access and sexual education. Cassy participated in our We Will Not Be Muted Training series last fall.
Q: What does power look like to you?
A: Power is the ability to change the conversation – with yourself and with those around you. It’s also knowing your worth and knowing your voice is valid.
Q: When have you felt most proud of your work?
A: The fact that I am able to do intentional work for my people! I cannot imagine what I would be doing outside of this. Despite the trauma and both micro and macro-aggressions, I am so grateful to be able to do this work.
Q: In what ways has re:power’s training supported you?
A: I appreciate being in a community with people of color and particularly women of color that are able to speak truth to power. I learned not to be afraid to do the things we need to do for our people. I learned a lot of real community building that was missing in this election cycle. We generally operate in transactional ways and it was good to be refocused on connecting with the community.